I love life and I find every day a challenge and an adventure! I count every day a blessing and no matter if it's pouring rain or as bright as a shining penny, I am thankful to be alive.
I am a 17 year breast cancer survivor. And since the day the Lord healed me and allowed me a few more minutes to take up space in His world, I now look at life in a different light. We're not here by fate, but by design, God's design.
Every day, every minute, every second is counted as an opportunity for me to allow God to use me to help someone else. I believe that each second of my life is personally orchestrated by the hand of God. They are not "coincidences," they are divine orchestrations. Be thankful and count every day a blessing!
Muriel, you are so right. Life is way too short to be stressed and worried about mess. You are a blessing and a living testimony. Keep on letting God use you.