Music! Music! Music! I don't think a day goes by that I don't listen to music - all kinds of music: classical, smooth jazz, christian (contemporary and hymns). Music has always had a way of soothing my thoughts and keeping me balanced.
Sometimes I will sit down at the piano and begin playing old hymns for several hours. Some of my favorite hymns are: Blessed Assurance, Jesus Paid It All, and It Is Well With My Soul. It Is Well is my most favorite song. It has encouraged me through many hard times!
When I travel to Destin, Florida (which my husband and I do several times during the year), I love to just sit out on the beach and take in all of God's handiwork. Somehow the song, "How Great Thou Art!" always comes to mind as I sit and muse.
Muriel, It is Well with My Soul is one of my favorites too. I learned that the writer, Phillip Bliss, lost his daughters in a ship wreck and when he sailed across the ocean to meet with his wife he wrote that song as he passed by the location where he lost his daughters. I think about that every time we sing it. Randy Nelson