Wednesday, June 15, 2011

MARRIAGE: The Daily Temperature Reading

Doctors Les and Leslie Parrott, gave some pretty good helpful guidelines for daily temperature readings for married couples:

  1. APPRECIATION:  Take turns expressing appreciation for something your spouse has done - Thank each other. 
  2. NEW INFORMATION:  Let your spouse in on your life.  And then listen to the news your spouse shares.
  3. PUZZLES:  Take turns asking each other something you don't understand but your spouse can explain.  Or voice a concern about yourself.
  4. COMPLAINT with REQUEST:  Without being judgmental, cite a specific behavior that bothers you and state the behavior you are asking for instead.
  5. HOPES:  Share your hopes; from the mundane to the grandiose.
Since we are all different, some times what we say, what we mean, and, often, what we hear, may not always be clear to someone else.  Practicing the above guidelines will help make communicating much easier with loved ones, which is what we want, right?

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